About Us

 Eight children are trafficked every hour, and tragically, five of them are never found. If this isn't shocking enough, child rape cases have increased by an alarming 96% from 2016 to 2022. This underscores the urgent need to spread awareness of this issue.


Hi, this is Project Healing Hearts, an Official Nonprofit Organization with IRS 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status. As a NPO organization, our mission is to prevent sexual assault, trafficking, abuse, and exploitation of children in India.

Our charity can do this by raising awareness, advocating for change, supporting victims, raising funds that go to trusted charities, and educating local communities on the severity of this issue. But we need your help.

By donating you are ensuring your contribution reaches effective charities. They can respond to victims, provide rehabilitation services to rescued children offering counseling, training programs legal assistance and so much more

Support us! You can visit our website read our articles, interviews, and blog, listen to our podcast, sign up for the monthly newsletter to stay up to date, leave us a note, or follow us on Instagram.  spread the word. It's important to not only educate yourself on these issues but others!

Together, we can create lasting change and provide hope to those affected.